Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life Lessons

I think everyone knows there are some things you need to learn early, some things it takes forever for you to learn, and some things you just never learn. I think people also agree it could take you forever depending on who you are to learn it. I have had to learn lessons fast that other people haven't just like everyone has lessons they must learn. I don't feel like sharing my lessons right now, it's just too dramatic and makes it seem like I want your pity and I don't. As a matter of fact, I hate it when people pity me. Understanding is enough.

There are lessons that you as a person need to grow up. I think if you learn these lessons it makes you better. But the thing is, the one lesson I have learned throughout my life is: It isn't about what other people think, how other people act, react, or do things, it is about how YOU react, what YOU think, how YOU act, and how YOU do things. It is all about how you take a chance and a leap of faith, how you deal with the things that have happened. Because your life is about you.... no one else. It is YOUR life. The decisions you make today affect your tomorrow. I can't quite remember if that is something someone else said or something I just say because I have been saying it for so long.

Problems that occur, its the way you deal with them, the way you handle them that makes your life what it is, what it was, and what it will be. How you handle life is your choice; what happens in life isn't. Sorry i got reaaaallly philosophical for a while there.... I just made a few bad choices and I felt like warning other people to really think.... Sorry if that annoys you.

1 comment:

  1. yeah i made a few bad choices i dunno i dont live with any of my parents and i live at my grand parents so i dont really bother with my parents all the time

